Friday, February 13, 2009

A Stick of Marlboro and a Chewy Chips Ahoy Cookie

For those of you who actually take the time to read what I write, I'm sorry for not posting anything for the past 16 days or so. I've been really stressed with constant editing of screenplays, assigned readings and doing papers for the past two weeks, so I apologize. It's been a very long time since I've been here and it feels good to be back.

Most of you probably expected me to write a blog about the Steelers winning the Super Bowl, and the truth is, I expected that from myself as well. But, I am going to leave that alone because most of you know that I am very happy that they won because I am a fan of the Steelers, but I will say how much I respect Kurt Warner, Larry Fitzgerald and the Arizona Cardinals now. They gave an incredible effort and I feel bad that it had to end like that for them.

Moving on to an update of yours truly; I've been pretty down for the past two weeks and some of you might know why (if you don't, refer to the post about the really expensive cell phone bill). Well I am beyond ecstatic to say that I have finally taken care of that problem. Thanks to my incredible friends, I have been able to find a solution to one of the most ridiculous situations I have ever encountered in my life.

In case you didn't know, I really really wanted to go to England this summer to study abroad. I got news two weeks ago that there is no financial aid for summer study abroad programs so I will not be able to go. I'm really disappointed because I am still looking for that life-changing experience, idea or person (in this case, experience) and as of now, I'm gonna have to keep on looking. Apparently, the minimum units needed to be taken to be eligible for summer financial aid is six and the England program only offers three, so that's the main reason why I can't go.

I'm getting really close to cutting my hair but I'm not sure I should yet. What do you think? I really want to hear what you think about this. I feel kind of dirty and not clean per se when I have to brush my fingers through my hair to keep them out of my eyes, but from a beauty point of view, I'd like to know whether or not you think I look better with a fade or with hair like this (if I bother to fix it up).

I'm keeping this post short because I'm actually pretty exhausted from a long week and I just want to relax and listen to The Beatles and Lupe Fiasco, so I'm going to end it here. Thanks for reading and I'll post new stuff as soon as I the way, I watched As Good As It Gets tonight (starring Jack Nicholson) and I have to tell you, it's a really good movie so check it out when you have the chance...oh and also, be on the look out for Secret Admirerwhich is a film that I wrote and Nasario Flores will direct and will be starring in with two of the best actresses currently at SJSU: Rheem Abuhamdeh and Christina Rodriguez. Once again, thanks for reading and I hope you had a happy Friday the 13th!