Friday, February 13, 2009

A Stick of Marlboro and a Chewy Chips Ahoy Cookie

For those of you who actually take the time to read what I write, I'm sorry for not posting anything for the past 16 days or so. I've been really stressed with constant editing of screenplays, assigned readings and doing papers for the past two weeks, so I apologize. It's been a very long time since I've been here and it feels good to be back.

Most of you probably expected me to write a blog about the Steelers winning the Super Bowl, and the truth is, I expected that from myself as well. But, I am going to leave that alone because most of you know that I am very happy that they won because I am a fan of the Steelers, but I will say how much I respect Kurt Warner, Larry Fitzgerald and the Arizona Cardinals now. They gave an incredible effort and I feel bad that it had to end like that for them.

Moving on to an update of yours truly; I've been pretty down for the past two weeks and some of you might know why (if you don't, refer to the post about the really expensive cell phone bill). Well I am beyond ecstatic to say that I have finally taken care of that problem. Thanks to my incredible friends, I have been able to find a solution to one of the most ridiculous situations I have ever encountered in my life.

In case you didn't know, I really really wanted to go to England this summer to study abroad. I got news two weeks ago that there is no financial aid for summer study abroad programs so I will not be able to go. I'm really disappointed because I am still looking for that life-changing experience, idea or person (in this case, experience) and as of now, I'm gonna have to keep on looking. Apparently, the minimum units needed to be taken to be eligible for summer financial aid is six and the England program only offers three, so that's the main reason why I can't go.

I'm getting really close to cutting my hair but I'm not sure I should yet. What do you think? I really want to hear what you think about this. I feel kind of dirty and not clean per se when I have to brush my fingers through my hair to keep them out of my eyes, but from a beauty point of view, I'd like to know whether or not you think I look better with a fade or with hair like this (if I bother to fix it up).

I'm keeping this post short because I'm actually pretty exhausted from a long week and I just want to relax and listen to The Beatles and Lupe Fiasco, so I'm going to end it here. Thanks for reading and I'll post new stuff as soon as I the way, I watched As Good As It Gets tonight (starring Jack Nicholson) and I have to tell you, it's a really good movie so check it out when you have the chance...oh and also, be on the look out for Secret Admirerwhich is a film that I wrote and Nasario Flores will direct and will be starring in with two of the best actresses currently at SJSU: Rheem Abuhamdeh and Christina Rodriguez. Once again, thanks for reading and I hope you had a happy Friday the 13th!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009

Hello there once again, and thanks for taking the time to swing by my page. Most of my blogs are usually about the stuff in my life that's happened in the past day or week and I talk about a lot of other things as well such as sports, entertainment, politics, etc. And not only do I talk about these things, I also use this blog to get feedback from you, the reader, so that I can improve certain pieces of work I decide to post on here such as songs that I have written, poems, and synopses to films that I plan to develop.

If you don't want to read about my thoughts on Obama's first interview and if you don't want to hear about how my day went, then at least PLEASE scroll down to the bottom and read "Illusion of Us." It's a song that I wrote in class today and I really would like to know what you think of it. It's not finished yet (I only have two verses, pre-chorus and chorus) and I plan on adding at least one more verse so please give me your thoughts on it. Thanks.

Now that that is cleared out of the way, I wanted to start by saying how impressed I am with President Obama's willingness to talk to the Muslim world in his first interview as President, which was aired yesterday and reviewed today. One thing that I have not liked about the way the media and the President interact is that the President hardly ever delivers a message to the media without having his content written and structured by people aside from himself. This has always been one thing that I've admired about the British government in that the Prime Minister is forced to present his original ideas in select press conferences designed to bring forth a closer relationship between the Prime Minister and the people of Britain. Obama did a great thing with his interview with the Muslim world and it is yet another example of how we are truly moving in the right direction as a country.

Now that I've covered the politics, let's talk about how the day went, shall we? First of all, for us San Jose-ians (sp?), less than 30 degrees during any time of the day is NOT normal. That happened to be the temperature as I left my house for school this morning (29 degrees); so if you didn't happen to feel the chill yourself, you can imagine how it felt.

The first class of the day for me was my Media, Theory and Research class which was actually not that bad today. We talked about creating avatars (aka virtual representations of one's self) and named titles for apocalyptic films. A fine young lady who didn't show up on the first day of class showed up today and I believe that she added the class, and you all know that I am definitely happy about that since I have five classes and none of them have any attractive women (no offense to those who are in the class, but they just aren't what I'm into).

After my first class, I met up with Lizandra and Andrew and chopped it up for a bit. While we were talking, a girl with whom I had a class with in the Spring of last year came across my way, and damn was she looking as beautiful as ever. She changed her hair color and she looks like she's been working out, and seeing her really made me think of what could have been if I had actually went along and tried hard to pursue her. But hearing her say "babe" while she was talking to someone on her cell phone kind of drew me away and I ended up falling for...well...someone who was a complete waste of time.

Anyway, I wrote a song during my Media and Theory class this morning and I call it "Illusions Of Us," and I would really appreciate it if you would give me some feedback on it. I'm in the process of writing a short film in which this song will be used in the film, so making it better is definitely a priority of mine. It's not finished yet, I still have one verse (at least) to add, but take a look and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading and take care of yourself and get plenty of sleep.

"Illusion Of Us" - Song written by James Tinsley (or Herman or Jim, whatever you know me as)

Verse 1
Rain's been falling for the past two weeks
And the thought of you keeps me away from sleep
But all I ever do is...dream
Sorrow fills the open heart
While the dark night clouds hide away the stars
And all I can do is...dream

And the world is crashing down
Silence takes over all the other sounds
But still I hear your heart beat
And the illusion of us keeps me on my...feet

But hope has fallen and we can't be one
And I'm still too blind to see the setting sun
Because you love me in my...dreams
He's been the one to shape who you are
And for that I'll stop because I've gone too far
To even think that we could be...more than a dream

Verse 2
Each passing day is filled with lies
That flood all along the dream filled mind
All I ever seem to do is...dream
Thoughts of love, they make my days
But now I need strength to walk the other way
Yet I can't help it because I...dream

Monday, January 26, 2009

Back to normality...

Ah, yes. Mondays seem normal again as I sit in classes that are extremely boring and irrelevant to what I want to do for the rest of my life. Well actually, I only had 2 classes today, weight training and global culture. So far weight training will be very useful for me because I workout 5-6 days a week and the last thing I want to do when I come home from school is workout so having a class in weight training is pretty convenient.

The global culture class a completely different story though. This class is going to test my patience as I am going to have to sit through 16 weeks of the most monotone voice I have ever heard. The professor of the class who was originally scheduled to teach, cannot teach all of a sudden and they practically brought in the female version of Clear Eye commercial guy. At least the class doesn't seem very hard, and I am taking it with my 4 closest friends =).

After not writing for a couple of weeks, I've finally gotten back to it. Poems, screenplays, blogs - you name it. I'm not sure why I stopped in the first place but I've received extra motivation from a certain girl on my mind. If you read my last post, you would know that the girl - or woman rather - that I am talking about already has someone special in her life. But if I could use one word to describe myself, it would be the word "dreamer" and lately, my imagination has been flooded by the fountain that is her existence (Corny isn't it? I just thought I'd throw that in there for kicks =D). This is the first girl I've started thinking about whose name I haven't and won't mention to anybody because I've realized how widespread things can get and it's tough to trust people. But I DID think that you were important enough to know about her right?

Anyway, I've suddenly found myself listening to Howie Day's "Collide" and it was enough to inspire me to pick up the guitar again and start playing. This song makes me think of "her" and being able to play it and sing myself will definitely put me in a state of mind that I always yearn for.

Well, that's all for now. I'll be working on several films this semester so stay tuned. My first film this semester will be starring myself and the talented Rheem Abuhamdeh in a film I wrote called "Secret Admirer." So look out for that. Thanks for reading. Until next time, take care of yourself and remember to exercise regularly.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I Smoked A Cigarette Today...

Wow. That's all I can say after this week. Wow. After a week of waiting for my financial aid check to come in the mail, I finally got it today. It was double what I usually get per semester mainly because of my loan, which was supposed to be for my financial security.

So after getting my check, I thought that I was in the clear. Wrong. I don't mean to be all emo and what not, but it's starting to become the story of my life. One fantastic thing happens to me and then it's canceled out by a huge negative. Well, that happened today.

For those of you who already know, I used to have a number with AT&T that I used for almost two years before I switched to my current T-Mobile phone. I wanted to cancel my AT&T number but my older cousin needed a phone to use and I did the generous thing in letting her use it (plus paying 3/4 of the bill).

This month (January) is actually the last month of that 2 year contract with AT&T. So that means that I would only have to pay one more bill and I wouldn't have to worry about that anymore. So as I dug through the mail to find my financial aid check, I stumbled on my AT&T bill. I open the bill and see a number that I can't even state on here because of obvious security reasons, and my mouth drops.

What is so ironic about this situation is that the AT&T phone is under my step dad's name and he has very good credit and if he ever found out about the price of this bill, my mom and I probably wouldn't have a place to live for a while. That is how big this problem is. Not that my step dad would ever be a violent person; he is actually one of the most generous guys I have ever met; nonetheless, if I (or my cousin rather) doesn't come up with a large amount of money by February 10, my world can come crashing down in a hurry.

If any of you have any advice for me as to how to get rid of my ridiculous charges or at least lower them for me (and if the plan works), I'll buy you dinner somewhere and I'll pay you too. That's how desperate I am. And everybody knows I ain't got no money either.

I just came home from bowling and IHOP with some friends and at least that happened today, because if it didn't, I probably would have killed myself. When I got home, I did something that I hadn't done in more than a year: smoke a cigarette. I don't like cigarettes and I will NEVER get addicted to them, but damn, it felt good to be in a different state of mind for once. By the way, if you smoke, please quit, and if you don't, good for you.

I'm also starting to find myself thinking about this girl a lot. I haven't had one girl on my mind since...well...some know who she is, but nevertheless, this new girl is starting to take over my thoughts. She's pretty much everything I want right now: beautiful, sophisticated, mature, intelligent, and her career interests match mine. But there's one problem: she has a boyfriend. I guess it's good that she does have someone already because I probably shouldn't be getting involved with anyone right now seeing as that my time in San Jose is ticking and Los Angeles will be calling my name in 15 months. I don't know what to do with myself, but I smoked a cigarette today and I'm in deep trouble - that's all I know.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello my friend, we meet again...

Wow, it seems like forever since I last posted something. For those of you who actually bother to read my stuff, sorry for being out for so long and for those of you who have yet to read my stuff, here I am for the first time. So let's review the 2 weeks that have gone by since our last meeting shall we?

First of all, the Super Bowl. The Cardinals and my second favorite team, the Steelers. I don't want to focus on football too much in this post because I feel like I stretch on too much, but congrats to both teams and I hope my Steelers pull it out.

Second, the Inauguration of Barack Obama. I don't think it hit me how significant January 20, 2009 was until I woke up at 9 AM to watch Obama speak to an estimated 2 million in attendance in Washington D.C. This was truly an incredible day and I'm glad I woke up off of 3 and a half hours of sleep to watch it happen because there will NEVER be another "first time inauguration" like this again. His speech was incredible, particularly two lines: "we will extend our hand if you are willing to unclench your fist" and my personal favorite "we are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers." If you missed it, you truly missed out on something that you could tell your children about and this was truly a priceless event.

Moving on, as some of you know, today was the day that San Jose State students go back to school. And if I may ask, doesn't every agree with me when I say that the first thing you do on the first day of class(classes) is immediately look around the room for the best looking girls in your class to try to figure out who you might be able to hit on later in the semester? I mean come on, even if you have a girlfriend, you still look! Anyway, I had two classes today, Media, Theory and Research (yawn) and Radio, Television and Film 100W and it was terrible today (no offense to the women in those classes, but according to my scale, it just doesn't work out). Hopefully I'll do better on Monday when I have two different classes that are not in my major and have potential (Anthropology 115 and Weight Training).

Drawing from the whole school thing, I did go home today somewhat satisfied with what was being sold to me at school - well almost everything. For one thing, instead of having a professor that I had last semester teach me Media, Theory and Research (she is punishingly sarcastic), it was a pleasant surprise to find out that the class was going to be taught by two different teachers, her (the sarcastic teacher) and a professor whom I've already had and would not mind taking again. So, there's "victory #1" for today!

Victory #2 came from my 100W class. I've heard during my whole time at SJSU that I would have to write a 10 page paper that would be due at the end of the semester that would have to be "near perfect." I also heard that if I took Laura Long for 100W (whom I signed up for), I would have to go through hell and brutal critiques to get by. Well...WRONG! On all accounts! First of all, I signed up for what's supposed to be Long's section of 100W, only to find out that it was now being taught by the professor who normally teaches Communication Studies 100W, Dr. Kathy Kahn. This woman presented herself as very kind-hearted, understanding and most importantly, someone who knows something about good writing and could actually help me become a better writer (not that Laura Long does not). Dr. Kahn also said that students don't have to be perfect or near it this semester, as showing up to class every day and turning in the assignments makes for a guaranteed C+ and an A will go to those who actually take the time to do and turn in quality work. Finally, there is NO 10 page paper due! Instead, it's four different 1,000 word essays, three of which will be a subject of my choosing and the fourth will be a screenplay (as some of you know, I love writing screenplays).

Okay, so the day wasn't so bad after all. After school ended, I saw a girl with whom I had a class with last spring and she was looking as beautiful as ever..."victory #3?" - I don't even know anymore. Anyway, went to my friend's house and had a great lunch, played Call of Duty 4 on the Xbox 360 and went home, took a nap and prepared for tomorrow for which I will be a substitute teacher's aide. Yeah, I know it's not ideal, but this is nothing but good news actually, but I can't really explain it now. Well, nice to be back on here writing again, 'til next time, take care of yourselves - and each other. Okay, I know that was Jerry Springer's signature catch-phrase, but I was just wanted to see if you would notice. For real now though, take care and have a great weekend!

P.S. Just for my friend Robert Smith, I will say right now that he picked the Arizona Cardinals to win the Super Bowl. And no he's not just saying it, he bet against my Steelers too. So when the Steelers win the Super Bowl, you can refer to this blog and laugh all day at him and make fun of him and make his life as a football fan even more hell than it already is (he's a St. Louis Rams fan and a Missouri Tigers fan for God's sake!)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Realizations and the Past Week (1/6/09)

Hey everybody, sorry I haven't posted anything lately, but I've been really busy writing some rhymes and movies and I've been through some stuff this past week that I shouldn't have put myself through, but it's over now. Anyway, here are a few thoughts about college football, the NFL playoffs, a certain rapper by the name of "Big L" and a personal realization that is completely and utterly a real problem that I have and I have just recently learned to accept.

First, college football, in a wild stretch of three bowl games, namely the Rose, Sugar and Fiesta Bowl games. First, the Rose Bowl and if you know me, you know that I am extremely happy with the way the game turned out with USC dominating Penn State for practically the entire game. The Trojans only won by two touchdowns but the game was over at halftime. Pete Carroll said after the game that he didn't think that anybody in the country could beat them right now and unbiasedly, I absolutely agree with him. I don't think Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, or even Florida (whom I am extremely high on) can beat USC right now. The Trojans had one of the greatest defenses in college football history this year with a backfield that would make every starting running back in the country appreciate his starting role even more - couple that with one of the nation's best quarterbacks in Mark Sanchez. However, while I think they can't be beaten right now it doesn't matter, because they don't deserve a shot at the national title after losing to someone like Oregon State...then came the Sugar Bowl and what a surprise it was. I'm gonna try and keep this short and sweet: Utah deserves a share of the national title (finishes as the only undefeated team in the country, wins over 6 different bowl teams, and most importantly, beat the longest #1 ranked team of the season, Alabama). By the way, Alabama was the biggest fraud of the season. Thank god they didn't get to the national title game because they would have been smashed by whoever they would have played...then came the Fiesta Bowl. Best game of the bowl season PERIOD (so far with the national title game on the horizon). Terrelle Pryor is the real deal and I can't wait to see him play next season (although he needs to work on his pocket awareness, his awareness in general and his passing accuracy). Congratulations to the Texas Longhorns in proving my point for me; they didn't belong in the national title game. Ohio State is a solid team but they do not belong in the top 5 at the moment and the Longhorns struggled against them. Texas would not beat Oklahoma if they played again and Florida has a much stronger defense than Ohio State's and pose as a greater threat offensively than the Buckeyes. The BCS got it right, but we still need a playoff system.

Now to the NFL. I could not have asked for a better Wild Card Weekend. Sure, the Sunday games weren't nearly as close as the Saturday games but the overall weekend was fantastic. Kudos to the Cardinals for proving that my gut feeling was right in picking them to beat the Falcons. If they continue to establish a running game and get pressure on the quarterback, they just might be able to get to the Super Bowl. Congrats to the Falcons for a wonderful season and turnaround. You don't win anything this year, but I wouldn't be worried if I was a Falcons fan right now. You are literally a few personnel moves (defensively) in building a team capable of a dynasty. Matt Ryan, Michael Turner and Roddy White can bring multiple titles to Atlanta in the next 10 years... The Chargers were my preseason pick for the AFC to get to the Super Bowl and they pulled out a victory in an instant classic against the Colts with Darren Sproles leading the way. I feel bad for Peyton Manning because he led the Colts to 9 straight wins for practically nothing. They have nothing to be ashamed of though. And as a fan of the game, although I do understand his situation, I really really hope that Tony Dungy comes back to coach next year... The Ravens defense is back! I could be wrong but I seriously think that this defense might be as good and possibly better than the 2000 defense. Their numbers are up and their rush defense is absolutely relentless. Ed Reed is the greatest defensive player maker of all time. Period. No questions asked. When he gets the ball in his hands (which he does frequently), he becomes Devin Hester in his rookie year. Kudos to Miami though on their turnaround. Their team is not set up as nicely as Atlanta, but they will be competitive for the long haul. And finally my NFC pick for the Super Bowl, the Philadelphia Eagles. While McNabb and Westbrook did not impress very much (because they usually play a lot better than they did on Sunday), I think this team might actually have a chance in making my pick look right. However, logically, I don't think they get past the Giants.

I know I was going to talk about Big L, but there's not much to be said about him, other than he's the greatest freestyle rapper of all time. I enjoy Supernatural's abilities a little more because he can keep it clean and he can rap for 9 hours straight (no joke he holds the world record), but NO ONE could ever beat Big L in a battle. Not 2pac, not Biggie, Jay-Z, Nas or ANYBODY. Check out some of his stuff if you are a fan of rap and hip hop because he has some of the greatest one-liners ever and he's one of the best storytellers I've ever heard. He may be the most underrated rapper of all time. Clearly one of the best ever.

Now on to my personal problem. Now, a lot of you know that I love to gamble. It has been an addiction for years and I never once realized how terrible of an addiction it is...until now. I lost a lot of money this weekend on online gambling and I can't believe it took nearly $5,000 over the course of 3 years to make me realize how stupid I was. For a person who hasn't worked in 3 years, that is incredibly ridiculous. You might say I'm stupid and I would agree with you, but gambling is a drug to me, it's like your cigarette or your XBOX 360 or your chocolate - I can't get enough. Gambling has nearly ruined the past 3 years of my life and nobody has known until now. While I do pretty well in sports betting, table games like Blackjack and 3 Card Poker and Baccarat are really not worth it anymore. I haven't decided to give up gambling all together because I actually do have some skill in games like Texas Hold 'Em and other poker games like Omaha and 7 Card Stud and I am a decent NFL bettor. I've vowed this weekend to get my act together and be a lot smarter with my money, and while I've realized that I can't give up gambling all together, I have realized that I have a problem and I'm doing my best to resolve it. And while accepting that I have a problem is the hardest part, I feel like I'm on my way to finally breaking through this unfortunate situation.

That's all for now, thanks for reading and stay tuned for more stuff! By the way, if you have a problem of any kind, talk to me about it. I'm here for you, no matter who you are. I'm an excellent listener and I promise I won't bite =)