Hello there once again, and thanks for taking the time to swing by my page. Most of my blogs are usually about the stuff in my life that's happened in the past day or week and I talk about a lot of other things as well such as sports, entertainment, politics, etc. And not only do I talk about these things, I also use this blog to get feedback from you, the reader, so that I can improve certain pieces of work I decide to post on here such as songs that I have written, poems, and synopses to films that I plan to develop.
If you don't want to read about my thoughts on Obama's first interview and if you don't want to hear about how my day went, then at least PLEASE scroll down to the bottom and read "Illusion of Us." It's a song that I wrote in class today and I really would like to know what you think of it. It's not finished yet (I only have two verses, pre-chorus and chorus) and I plan on adding at least one more verse so please give me your thoughts on it. Thanks.
Now that that is cleared out of the way, I wanted to start by saying how impressed I am with President Obama's willingness to talk to the Muslim world in his first interview as President, which was aired yesterday and reviewed today. One thing that I have not liked about the way the media and the President interact is that the President hardly ever delivers a message to the media without having his content written and structured by people aside from himself. This has always been one thing that I've admired about the British government in that the Prime Minister is forced to present his original ideas in select press conferences designed to bring forth a closer relationship between the Prime Minister and the people of Britain. Obama did a great thing with his interview with the Muslim world and it is yet another example of how we are truly moving in the right direction as a country.
Now that I've covered the politics, let's talk about how the day went, shall we? First of all, for us San Jose-ians (sp?), less than 30 degrees during any time of the day is NOT normal. That happened to be the temperature as I left my house for school this morning (29 degrees); so if you didn't happen to feel the chill yourself, you can imagine how it felt.
The first class of the day for me was my Media, Theory and Research class which was actually not that bad today. We talked about creating avatars (aka virtual representations of one's self) and named titles for apocalyptic films. A fine young lady who didn't show up on the first day of class showed up today and I believe that she added the class, and you all know that I am definitely happy about that since I have five classes and none of them have any attractive women (no offense to those who are in the class, but they just aren't what I'm into).
After my first class, I met up with Lizandra and Andrew and chopped it up for a bit. While we were talking, a girl with whom I had a class with in the Spring of last year came across my way, and damn was she looking as beautiful as ever. She changed her hair color and she looks like she's been working out, and seeing her really made me think of what could have been if I had actually went along and tried hard to pursue her. But hearing her say "babe" while she was talking to someone on her cell phone kind of drew me away and I ended up falling for...well...someone who was a complete waste of time.
Anyway, I wrote a song during my Media and Theory class this morning and I call it "Illusions Of Us," and I would really appreciate it if you would give me some feedback on it. I'm in the process of writing a short film in which this song will be used in the film, so making it better is definitely a priority of mine. It's not finished yet, I still have one verse (at least) to add, but take a look and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading and take care of yourself and get plenty of sleep.
"Illusion Of Us" - Song written by James Tinsley (or Herman or Jim, whatever you know me as)
Verse 1
Rain's been falling for the past two weeks
And the thought of you keeps me away from sleep
But all I ever do is...dream
Sorrow fills the open heart
While the dark night clouds hide away the stars
And all I can do is...dream
And the world is crashing down
Silence takes over all the other sounds
But still I hear your heart beat
And the illusion of us keeps me on my...feet
But hope has fallen and we can't be one
And I'm still too blind to see the setting sun
Because you love me in my...dreams
He's been the one to shape who you are
And for that I'll stop because I've gone too far
To even think that we could be...more than a dream
Verse 2
Each passing day is filled with lies
That flood all along the dream filled mind
All I ever seem to do is...dream
Thoughts of love, they make my days
But now I need strength to walk the other way
Yet I can't help it because I...dream
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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