Saturday, December 27, 2008

There's Something Missing (poem, 12/26/08)

There's Something Missing

There's something missing in my life and I can't seem to find it.
I'm lost and I'm confused and there's no way to hide it.
I have an incredible family whom I love and hate at the same time,
And I have amazing friends with whom I always share a good time.
I'm on the verge of being the first in my family to graduate college,
But something is bothering me and I just can't deny it.
It's something very major, but somehow very minor in my life,
And it seems very wrong right now, but somehow also very right.
'Tis the season to be jolly and happy and giving,
But there is something that is keeping me from believing
That this should be a completely happy time for me
Because not everything is perfect because I have no SHE.
I know shouldn't care but then again, I know I should,
But I am losing my mind and I cannot be understood.
I can be happy without HER but I am miserable when she is not here.
I don't know who SHE is, but I know that I miss her when it's this time of the year.

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